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  • 3.4k 1k
    Helping Projects Done
    Best thing about is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 48+ 1+
    Years In Rent Business
    Best thing about is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 18+ 10+
    Received Awards So far
    Best thing about is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 5.9% 0%
    Earned Revenue This Year
    Best thing about is to earn some on their equipments.
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Construction Equipment
Set up as a trading company in 1974 , Shin Guang Trading has since established itself as a reliable supplier of heavy construction equipment and machinery spares.


To be a leading supplier of heavy equipment spares and market leader in the trading of used construction equipment.
We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
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Best thing about is we promised you get what you want.
We Help Industry To Utilize The Heavy Equipment Work Better
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We Help Industry To Utilize The Heavy Equipment Work Better
We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
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Why Choose Equipments

Over 15,000+ Rental Deals Is The Best Choice

Through the years of our motivation, we have build up a reputable name and have now become one of the largest stockist of heavy equipment parts in Singapore. We provide wholesale and retail sales to many of our customers, both in Singapore and overseas countries.
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